Graffiti Removal

There is a long on-going debate about graffiti, some claiming that it is art and a way of expression while some strongly state that it is nothing but clear vandalism. One way or other, having unwanted graffiti on your walls is never a good experience, and you will need to take measures to remove it as soon as possible. There are a several methods of graffiti removal Melbourne from using blast trucks which are mostly done by authorities to keep cities clean and helping the city beautification programs. Even if you do not have access to a blast truck, there are a several ways you can do it yourself or graffiti removal services do it for you.

How To Remove Graffiti

The most basic method of removing graffiti is to paint over them. Although it might not give you a flawless finish or do any removal of sorts, it surely helps you to make graffiti no longer seen perhaps until you do a more long term way of removal.  While this is one of the most low-cost methods, it is not entirely long lasting and might even show a trace of graffiti through the paint if your paint is not strong enough to cover the strong graffiti paint materials. It might also peel and fade over time and expose the graffiti unless you get the help of a professional.

There are many services which undertake graffiti removal Melbourne in order to help you completely remove graffiti from your walls. The most common method among the professionals is to use cleaning products with active chemicals which will remove the paints of the graffiti from the surfaces. However you have to ensure that your property is not harmed or damaged due to harmful chemicals which are why it is advisable to get the help of a professional rather than trying to attempt it on your own.

Graffiti Removal businesses use more extreme methods when it comes to hard surface cleaning Melbourne. This is because the use of moderate chemicals might not work on walls which have suffered an extreme level of graffiti. The amount of time in which graffiti has been on the walls affect the removal process. The longer graffiti has been on the walls, the harder it is removing it completely. Therefore, the sooner you get the help of a professional, the better.

For walls which have been damaged largely and has been kept for a longer period, there is pressure cleaning Melbourne, which removes even the most deeply etched paint which is hard to remove by simpler methods. There are equipment especially made for this method which is used by graffiti removal services. It is one of the most environment-friendly methods of removing graffiti due to the lack of usage in chemicals in the removal process.

Protection and Pre-Cautions of Graffiti

Once you face the unpleasant consequences of a graffiti vandalism incident, you might want to make sure that you do not experience it again. For this reason, there are Protective Coatings Melbourne and Antigraffiti Coating Melbourne, which we offer at Melbourne Graffiti Removal, which acts like a protector on the surface of your walls. This makes it hard for graffiti to stick in the surface and making it easier to remove with minimal effort.